Eagles Part Ways With Chip Kelly
After a 3 short years with the Eagles, Chip Kelly has been fired.
After the Eagles were eliminated from the playoff contentions, many knew this could be the last year for Chip. The Eagles at 6-9, have had a bunch of blowout games this season. Some of their multiple losses over 35 points.
Chip Kelly, previously at Oregon University and before that at New Hampshire University, developed a face paced, quick scoring, high- powered offense. After leaving Oregon, many knew he would try to bring that offense to the Eagles. The Kelly offense was quickly success in the first year because no one had seen this type of fast paced offense since the Buffalo Bills in the early 90's. At first, many defenders could be seen with their hands on their hips exhausted from the Eagles offense, but after the other teams around the league got used to the quick tempo, no huddle offense, it became much easier to stop. To add fuel to the fire, Chip got rid of a few key players, which ultimately didn't help towards the Eagles success.
He then brought in some that were supposed to spice things up. (DeMarco Murray, Sam Bradford,
ESPN's sources say that, Kelly told Fox Sports on Tuesday night that he didn't fight owner Jeffrey Lurie's decision to fire him. He also told Fox Sports that he wants to stay in the NFL rather than return to college coaching."-ESPN The Eagles Owner, Jefferey Lurie went on to say that he had been thinking about getting rid of Kelly weeks into the season because he just simply wasn't getting the job done.
Chip Kelly has made dramatic changes over the three years as the Eagles head coach. From the way the Eagles practice , to the way they eat and sleep. Kelly has made it known to the players, coaches, fans and organization that at the end of the day, culture beats scheme, anyway.
The Eagles started off the regular season at 1-3.
Sam Bradford, started out hot in the preseason, transitioned to looking so bad behind a shaky offensive line. And DeMarco Murray never seemed comfortable in Kelly's offense because it was so different from the previous Dallas Cowboy's running attack. It became apparent that the Eagles would continue down a dark road and soon butcher what had begun so memorably in Kelly's debut in the NFL vs Washington two years ago.