Monday, May 19, 2014


Publicity has always been a bit of a bittersweet process. The big question, is there a such thing as bad publicity or is publicity inner twined as a whole to be good and bad at the same time ? We must ask ourselves this because everything in the media is based on perception and how we see people. For some publicity can be a great tool used for an individual's stardom or  spreading awareness of a product or event. The actual publicity that exist in our society tends to be positive at first , but lapses in character and bad decision making , lead to publicity breaking down a person. 

Take for example the young and talented Candiadian star Justin Bieber. At first not many knew who or what he'd be, but the YouTube sensation became a hit due publicity. The funny thing about publicity is that it has it's way of bringing the worst out of people because it goes hand in hand with fame. Over night Justin Bieber turned into a pop star, grew a worldwide following , gained a net worth of an estimated 160 millon and a household name. Yet again though a few character issues and bad influences , Bieber has grown into the tattoo covered , paparazzi attacking , weed smoking , spitting on fans , attention driven bad boy. In my opinion publicity is publicity , there's no definite good or bad. 

I say this because you can flip the process and use the iconic Kim Kardashian fame story as either or. 

From Kim's entry into the media, she was known as the daughter of late Robert Kardashian, whom was one of the head lawyers on the OJ Simpson Case. So in her case , she really wasn't a popular woman at the time , but in 2007 her life drastically changed due to what some may call "bad publicity". Ray J, her boyfriend at the time made a sex tape with her and somehow it leaked and Vivid Adult Entertainment got their hands on it. Kim immediately field a lawsuit and the company settled with her for millons. As a result Kim Kardashian and get whole famy burst onto the scene. Their hit tv shown"Keeping Up with the Kardashians" became a smash because everyone and their moms wanted to see the life of the new star. Right away doors began to open for her family and Kim. So in this case ,although she'll have to explain to her child when she's older how the Kardashian fortune was built, Kim used her bad descion making and media frenzy to her advantage to put her name out there and generate buzz. 

In all to me there's no such thing as bad or good publicity. In our lives we choose to make decisions, people in the spotlight however use publicity to become who they are. An individual can use publicity and spin it in either way. When it's all said and done you can use the phrase "any publicity is good publicity " because you can be a no one and become someone but at the same time you can be someone and be brought down to a no one because of publicity. 


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