Monday, July 14, 2014

National Football League In Trouble ?

The DEA has reportedly launched a special investigation into the National Football League in regards to presciption pain killers being distributed to players throughout the league and the players never explained the serious side effects. 

The investigation is looking into just exactly how the doctors and trainers of the NFL were able to posses these drugs and who exactly were the recipients. Sources close to ESPN say that the case involves nearly 1,300 individuals players. A real shocker, current ESPN analyst Marcellus Wiley.

Depending on what exactly the DEA finds, the investigation could transition to criminal charges for the doctors and trainers with possible jail time. The players invovled are suing the NFL due to the fact that the trainers and doctors were practically handing out highly addictive drugs with the players being left in the dark about the dangerous mixture and interaction with other drugs they were taking. 

Old time Bears quarterback Jim McMahon has been said to taking over 100 prescription Percocet pills a month, a seriously ridiculous amount of consumption. Overtly, anyone would become an addict like McMahon after a consumption of that amount of prescription narcotics.  

It's reported this drug abuse period stems from the early 80's. Its easy to understand why players were given these drugs, because at the time the NFL was a different ball game infused with bone crushing hits, concussions and thousands of broken bones and players needed ways to cope wit the pain-But to a certain extent. 

Of course, the NFL has currently declined any comment of the situation or the DEA investigation. I think the situation will blow over because of the stature of the league and its way of getting around things, and will likely turn into a "league matter." But if the league being investigated was the NBA or MLB it would be more startling news.


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