Monday, March 30, 2015

Neymar Angered by Gary Medel's foul

Neymar Calling Match A UFC Fight

With a sport like Major League soccer, the players are known for their Grammy performances leading up to the referee issuing a card. Constantly the players fall over dramatically to the turf for the softest fouls. But as fans of the sport, many still feel the game is one of the most premier and exciting events to witness from a television screen.

Similar to other sports individuals watch, one finds themselves in deifying with their favorite teams and player. With most sports you can almost guess who's going to win. But with professional soccer, it almost forces you to sit and watch in anticipation of a Renaldo goal or Neymar getting heckled before issuing an amazing pass to a teammate finishing through the net.

During the FIFA Worldcup, match after match Neymar was being pushed around on the field. Yesterday, during a friendly match of Brazil vs Chile, Neymar found himself being fouled extremely hard again by Chile's Gary Medel.

Neymar regarded the foul to be of the same aggressiveness as a UFC match. He stated that, "That can't be considered part of the game, no. If we say that is part of the game, then the name [of the sport] is wrong. We can't call it football -- we should call it UFC." -ESPN


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